Ideally, your nose should provide a balanced symmetry to your facial features, allowing your more intriguing characteristics – such as your eyes – to take prominence. However, there are instances when the shape and size of the nose takes over and dominates the face. If you find yourself in this position and are considering seeking a medical solution, then you should understand that Dr. Paul Garlich brings an experienced and nuanced perspective to primary rhinoplasty.
What many refer to as a “nose job,” primary rhinoplasty is a delicate and intricate procedure. That is why Dr. Garlich approaches each with an attention to detail that ensures each patient gets the most out of the surgery – both aesthetically and anatomically.
Not only does he spend a great deal of time with each patient in order to determine the shape and size that will provide the best aesthetic balance to each face – including the use of a detailed computer imaging system – but he also ensures that the primary function of the nose – breathing – is maintained or even enhanced.
Primary rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure that typically requires 1-2 hours and is generally performed under sedation anesthesia. There are few limitations for this procedure, however, Dr. Garlich does not recommend rhinoplasty for someone under the age of 17, as the face may still be growing and developing up until that point. The procedure produces little to no pain post-op, though there may be bruising and swelling. Bandages are typically removed one week after surgery, and while subtle changes may take time to occur, major changes will be immediately apparent.
Please contact us today to learn more about primary rhinoplasty and set up your in-depth consultation with Dr. Garlich.